The very wide toroidal push-pull output transformer 2100-CFBH is meant for mid-high frequency power (100 Watt) tube amplifiers. The power bandwidth starts at 28 Hz up to 330 kHz. Four paralleled power tubes (6550, KT88 to KT150) should be used. Separate cathode feedback windings of 10 % and the 33 % UL-taps create extreme low tube distortions with high speaker damping factor without using any negative feedback. The primary impedance is close to 2 kOhm. The secondary is at the standardized 5 Ohm impedance. This transformer is meant for extreme high quality mid-high frequency quality sound reproduction. The transformer is fully potted in an attractive aluminum black textured shell.
Application PP : 4 x 6550 or KT88 to KT150
Power : 100 Watt @ 40 Hz
Impedance-prim. : 2 kΩ
Impedance-sec. : 5 Ω
UL-taps : 33 %
CFB-windings : 2 x 10 %
Frequency range : 0,3 Hz to 330 kHz (-3 dB)
Dimensions : round 155 mm dia, height 90 mm
Case : black textured aluminum
Weight : 2,3 kg
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