Headphones come with all kind of impedance values, ranging from 16 Ohm to 600 Ohm. This transformer matches all those impedances to one another, and allows driving with tube circuitry through a separate 800 Ohm primary winding.
When only the secondary windings are used, the transformer functions as a so called “auto-transformer”. In the specifications is shown which impedance values can be matched properly.
When the primary winding also is applied, the driving tube circuitry couples optimal to this multi impedance transformer.
Application : headphone drive and impedance match
Primary imp. : 800 Ω
Secondary imp. : 16, 32, 64, 125, 300, 600 Ω
Power : 1 Watt
Low Frequency range : 3 Hz (-3 dB)
High Frequency range : 70 kHz to 3 MHz (tap dependent)
Download : VDV-800-V-HPH datasheet
Download Applications: available soon