TubeSociety currently pays attention to small-power-tube-amplifiers, like stereo amplifiers with EL84 / 6V6 / E34L and so on, either in SE or PP. Their results will be published around September 2022 in the TubeSociety Project-2021 reports. For such smaller power amplifiers (around 2 x 10 Watt) a special power transformer (MAINS-D) was developed for stereo high-end applications.
The anode-voltage B+ winding delivers 230 V-ac, which results in 322 V-dc after rectification and buffering. This winding has an ac-current capacity of 300 mA-ac. After rectification and buffering the maximum dc-current equals 183 mA-dc. These B+ voltage and current allow amplifier designs up to an output power of 2 x 10 Watt.
For trimming the quiescent currents with negative bias voltage, an extra 25 V-ac winding is present. Also two separate filament voltage windings with 3 A current capacity each, allowing multi power tube application.
Specifications TRAFCO-VDV-MAINS-D
Primary: 230 V-ac
Sec.-1: 230 V-ac / 300 mA-ac
Sec.-2: 6,3 V-ac / 3 A-ac
Sec.-3: 6,3 V-ac / 3 A-ac
Sec.-4: 25 V-ac / 100 mA-ac
Diameter: 90 mm
Height: 59 mm
Weight: 1,6 kg
Download: MAINS-D_specifications.pdf
Applications: check this website around September 2022; see TubeSociety section TubeSociety-Projects