
Output transformers for guitar amplifiers ask for a special approach. They must be able to handle high dynamics, sound nice when overdriven and their frequency characteristics should be strong between 80 Hz (lowest E-string) and 5 kHz (highest harmonics).
With these demands in mind the 4050-Guitar is developed, offering the standard requested secondary impedances of 4/8/10 Ohms.
The high frequency range of the 4050 is much wider than the 5 kHz requested, preventing harsh sounding transformer sound when overdriven. With a simple capacitor in the pre-amp stage the high-range easily can be limited to 5 kHz.
This transformer can be used in new amp-designs but also is a very efficient replacement in standard guitar amplifier combo’s.
The most important specifications are:
Power: 50 Watts push-pull
Tubes: 2 x EL34 or 6L6GC or 6550 etcetera
Primary impedance: Zaa = 4 kOhm
Secondary impedances: 4 and 8 and 16 Ohms
Dimensions: 95 mm diameter, height 45 mm.
Download: VDV-4050-datasheet.