This very wide bandwidth (195 kHz) toroidal push-pull output transformer is meant for large power (100 Watt) high quality tube amplifiers. Four paralleled power tubes should be used like the 6550 or KT88 to KT150 for high-end applications. Separate screen grid windings of 40 % are present, allowing standard screen grid supply voltages, but with higher than normal anode supply voltages. The primary impedance is close to 2 kOhm. The secondary is at 4 Ohm impedance. This transformer is meant for very dynamic and loud high quality sound reproduction. Download the application whre 2 x 6550 is used. If 2 x 6550 is replaced by 4 x 6550, plus the 2100-SSCR-PPS transformer, then powers up to 140 Watt can be reached. The transformer is fully potted in an attractive aluminum black textured shell.
Application PP : 4 x 6550 or KT88 to KT150
Power : 100 Watt @ 20 Hz
Impedance-prim. : 2 kΩ
Impedance-sec. : 4 Ω
UL-windings : 40 %
Frequency range : 0,6 Hz to 195 kHz (-3 dB)
Dimensions : round 155 mm dia, height 90 mm
Case : black textured aluminum
Weight : 5,3 kg
Download:Download 2100-SSCR-PPS datasheet-1 and
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