The wide bandwidth toroidal push-pull output transformer 4070-SSCR-PPS has separate windings for 40 % screen grid Ultra Linear feedback. These windings enable lower supply voltages at the screen grids, thus largely reducing the typical UL distortions. Also higher than standard anode supply voltages are allowed now, without damaging the screen grids. The transformer has a 70 Watt power bandwidth from 14 Hz up to 130 kHz. With EL34 and 6550 and KT88 tubes high quality sound reproduction with extreme low distortion is achieved. The primary impedance is 4 kOhm with a 4 Ohm secondary. See the application download for a description of a special amplifier with this transformer. The transformer is fully potted in an attractive aluminum black textured shell.
Application PP : EL34 and 6550 and KT88 to KT150
Power : 70 Watt @ 20 Hz
Impedance-prim. : 4 kΩ
Impedance-sec. : 4 Ω
UL-windings : 2 x 40 %
Frequency range : 0,3 Hz to 132 kHz (-3 dB)
Dimensions : round 155 mm dia, height 90 mm
Case : black textured aluminum
Weight : 4,6 kg
Download 4070-SSCR-PPS datasheet-1 and 4070-SSCR-PPS-datasheet-2
Download 4070-CFB-SSCR-PPS application