VDV-4140-PP (PAT-4140)

This heavy beast of a toroidal push-pull output transformer delivers 300 Watt output power at 20 Hz. Special designed for most powerful bass-guitar amplification. This output transformer was applied in the famous Eden VT300 bass guitar valve amplifier with 6 x 6550 power pentodes. Recently new CFB windings have been added for extra tight control of the lowest frequencies at full 300 Watt output power.
Application PP : 6 x 6550/KT120
Power : 300 Watt @ 20 Hz
Impedance-prim. : 1,6 kΩ
Impedance-sec. : 0/2/4/8 Ω
SSCR-taps : 40 %
CFB-taps : 10 %
Frequency range : 0,2 Hz to 35 kHz (-3dB 6 x 6550)
Dimensions : round 155 mm dia, height 90 mm
Weight : 4,6 kg
Download: VDV-4140-4 data-sheet-1;
VDV-4140-4 data-sheet-2
Applications: download 200W-Bass-Amp.pdf or try to web-trace the original Eden VT300 schematics.